Centre d'Espoir pour Filles et Femmes (C.E.F.F. - O.N.G.)
ENGLISH/ Anglais


Qui sommes nous ? | HISTORIQUE | Douze (12) types de violence faites à la fille et à la femme | ENGLISH/ Anglais | Furaha Disanka Esengo La joie Brèves Nouvelles | Photo Album | Contactez Nous

Welcome to the (Centre d'espoir pour Filles et femmes)-"C.E.F.F." which is means, (Girls and Women's Hope Center). An Women centre directed by women for women.

Contactez Nous

Recent Events

April 1999
Save Our Building Family Cookout

This event was a great success. Here's a picture:

A barbecue party; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Upcoming Events

October 15, 2000
Casino Night Fund Raiser

This fund raiser will be held in the Methodist Church basement at 47 Main Street. Bring lots of spending money!

We hope to update this page often with new photos.

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To sign up or volunteer for an event, see our "Contact Us" page.